Best Practices for Podcasters on Twitter

Christopher Morales
3 min readOct 12, 2020


Photo from Pixabay by PhotoMIX-Company

Twitter rose to fame in 2006 for providing updates from friends and nuggets from influencers. While it has morphed into an arena of hot takes, it is still a necessary platform for entrepreneurs and podcasters to promote their content.

According to Oberlo, there are 330 million monthly active users on Twitter, with 145 million daily active users. Two-thirds of the platform is more mature audiences between Millennials and Gen Xers, so it is a great platform to reach other professionals.

If you are ready to let Twitter fingers fly, here are a few tips and tricks podcasters can use for Twitter:

Use one specific hashtag for your show.

Hashtags contextualize your tweets, but go beyond general hashtags like #business, #sales, or #entrepreneur. When you use one specific hashtag for your show, you will contextualize the platform’s conversation anytime someone tweets about it. For example, Twitter users who use #NGOB will know the tweet is about The Nice Guys on Business Podcast.

If you would like to test if your hashtag is unique enough, search them directly on Twitter. If there are little to no tweets with that hashtag, you have an opportunity to control it long-term.

Tag other profiles.

A fast way to promote anything is by leveraging others’ audiences. If you regularly have guests on your show, grow in the habit of tagging their Twitter handles (@username). Ask them for it in advance, or do a quick search on Twitter before posting. Alternatively, you can tag their business or organization, too! The general idea is that they will like, retweet, or continue the thread to bring more engagement to your post.

If you do not have a guest on your show, you can consider tagging other Twitter users whose attention you are trying to catch.

Make a variety of posts.

A common mistake for podcasters is to tweet about a new episode once.

That single tweet will be lost in your followers’ newsfeeds and not get as many downloads as you hoped. Therefore, consider repurposing an episode to make a variety of posts! Here is a shortlist of ideas:

Build a social media library with your archived episodes.

Besides making various posts for one episode, do not let these great posts go to waste! Consider building a social media library that promotes your archived episodes.

The beautiful nature of podcasts suggests you are producing evergreen content. Yes, listeners may miss an occasional promotion, but the lessons live forever. With this strategy, The Nice Guys on Business Podcast accumulated 962.6k impressions on Twitter across a 15-month study.

Try to publish 3 to 5 tweets throughout the day, and you will have a passive way to increase your potential downloads and audience!

BONUS: Invest in a social media management tool.

Understandably, it is not easy creating and managing this many posts as you publish more episodes! Therefore, consider investing in a social media management tool like Buffer, Hootsuite, Sendible, Meet Edgar, or eClincher.

Turnkey Podcast Productions’ preference is eClincher, with an ability to publish a post and insert it into a queue on the same dashboard. However, all of these social media management tools offer similar capabilities to build an ongoing social media library.

Christopher Morales is the Social Media Director at Turnkey Podcast Productions. If you would like to learn more about our social media services, contact for a free consultation.



Christopher Morales

Morales informs his analysis from working in advertising, podcast production, and radio. He also holds a Communication degree from Cornell University.